The inspector came out and approved everything but he said that if you have room, which we do, he would like the field to be longer. In other words, six feet by one hundred or two six feet by fifty feet fields. That makes sense..and I want you to know I actually figured the math out on that one. Pretty amazing for someone who considers math a foreign language of which I have no knowledge.
We have our son, Scott, in town for a couple of days, and he has only seen the place from the air. He was anxious to go see it from ground level. We also had grandkids London and Lucca for the afternoon. London loves to play in the dirt, so what better place? Let's go extend some drain fields!

After some measuring....really, the measuring never ends around here! It was determined they would have to fill in some of the area that had been dug and then dig out some more to make two six by fifty drain fields on each home site.

It was hot and dirty work, so after watching for about an hour, we left the men to do the work and made a quick trip to Sonic for cold drinks and dogs and then headed for home.

We also met with some friends who recently built their home and we had a great visit picking their brains for any bits of advice they might pass along to us. My friend said she was just a little jealous that we were just starting to build our dream home and hers was finished. She really enjoyed the process of designing and choosing all the components of her house and wished she could do it again. Sometimes, I get so tired of making decisions about every little thing and every BIG thing, that I just say "whatever works".
It was so good to be reminded that while at times this process can get tedious, challenging, mind taxing and frustratingly slow, at the same time it is exciting, creative, bonding and fulfilling! We really do feel so blessed to be in the midst of this big adventure.
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