June 13, 2016

Another Week of Framing

The framers continue to do what they do...work hard and make things work. 
After a well deserved weekend off, they are back to finish up the last few details, like getting the roof to meet in the middle, moving a wall or two, fixing a pretty major design flaw with the great room vaulted ceiling (I'll take partial credit for that, but I'm not an architect nor do I claim to be an expert in truss design) and adding three fake windows on the roof.

 Mike and Alan worked on the barn all weekend.  These two "older" guys just don't slow down at all, even though they also deserve a weekend off.
Mike handing up materials to Alan.

Taking a lunch break inside the barn.
  The barn is almost completely framed!  

The windows and construction doors have been delivered and are just hanging out in the garage until the framers are ready to put them in.  We've chosen an energy efficient vinyl window in dark bronze for the outside color and white on the inside.  I can't wait to see them in!

Today we spent about two hours walking through the house and barn with the electrician.  He was marking where all the lights, switches and outlets will be.  

Meanwhile, over at the neighbors...
They have a house with a roof!
Things look great!

I spent a little time cleaning up around the place while Mike and Alan were working on the barn.  It's definitely a construction zone every direction you look..

The framers are actually pretty good at keeping things clean and organized.
The back view..
Here's a few pictures that capture the progress so far.
The front view...

The river view...I just love it!


  1. So great. Makes me want to build again!! Or maybe not. Haha. All so exciting

    1. Your new house and huge yard/garden are so beautiful, you'll never want to start over again!
