We've been so anxious to show the place to our kids and grandkids. Last week, we finally wrangled our son, Patrick to bring his little family out to see where the new homestead will be.
We met at the old winery on the highway and then all jumped into our car, drove about fifteen minutes over the hill and went for a nice dinner at our new favorite Mexican place. Yum!

Afterwards, we drove over to the property. When we got there, we drove right to the place where we will build the house and got out. It was so windy, it wasn't very fun to just lollygag about looking at a bare piece of ground.

We walked down to the river for a quick look, threw a couple of sticks in the water, walked back up to show Pat and Tasha exactly where the corners of the house would be. We tried to get them to see what it will hopefully look like. Our decision to move thirty minutes away hasn't been easy and one of the reasons was that we'd be farther away from our family. I hope they could see the vision just a little bit better by being there. After Lucca used our country style bathroom, we all rushed our chilled bones and windblown hair back into the warm car and headed for home.

We walked down to the river for a quick look, threw a couple of sticks in the water, walked back up to show Pat and Tasha exactly where the corners of the house would be. We tried to get them to see what it will hopefully look like. Our decision to move thirty minutes away hasn't been easy and one of the reasons was that we'd be farther away from our family. I hope they could see the vision just a little bit better by being there. After Lucca used our country style bathroom, we all rushed our chilled bones and windblown hair back into the warm car and headed for home.
This looks like a great spot. Quiet and peaceful that's for sure:)